Sunday Services

Our Sunday Services are held in Japanese with partial German translations.  The sessions are held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month from 15:00 - 17:00.

Prior to the Corona pandemic, we had delicious pot luck dinners after each worship service, to which everyone was invited.  We have a church school for children, from toddlers to teenagers, that takes place during the worship service for adults. In addition, we also have group meetings for teenagers and young adults.


Babies and toddlers can sit with their parents or play in the separate children's playroom.  There will be a lot of toys and children will not be bored.


During the coronavirus period, most sessions have been held on line, but - starting in August 2020 - we again started to meet under strict health regulations in hybrid sessions with Zoom links.  We will not have potluck dinners until the dangers of the virus have passed away.   Our aim is to responsibly serve the Lord together, without placing anyone in danger.